Placenta Encapsulation Services

  Placentas have been used for postpartum health and healing since women began having babies. Utilizing your placenta has the potential to help with postpartum depression, lactation difficulties, postpartum bleeding, stress and transition, replenishing nutrients and helping mothers have an all around happier post-birth journey.

In January of 2013 I attended an extensive course from Full Circle Placenta Encapsulation and was trained in the sacred practice of preparing placentas for women to use during their postpartum recovery. My interest in placentas was peaked after meeting Robin Lim , the famous mid-wife from Bali, who told of the sacredness of the placenta in the Balinese culture and how using it postpartum has helped so many women at her birth center. Many cultures on the planet consider the placenta to be the “sister soul” of the baby, a precious beautiful organ filled with magical potions for healing. I was curious to know more so signed up, never imagining how truly amazing and beautiful this practice is!

During the training I learned how to properly transport and store a placenta, sterilize and prepare equipment and workspaces to ensure safe and healthy encapsulation, how to safely encapsulate placentas,  how to make birth art and placenta prints , how to make tinctures, salves , smoothies and even how to make placenta truffles!  It was awesome to learn how many applications there are available!

Placenta Services Menu: 

Pick up from Hospital or birth Center, dehydrate & Encapsulate: $350.00

Prepare Tincture for stress relief (Can be stored & used for Years!):  included

Birth art and prints: included

Traditional Chinese Medicine Inspired – Placenta Encapsulation          

  • Basic Preparation- $350.00

    Inspired by the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of preparation involves cleaning the placenta, gently heating the placenta with fresh ginger and then dehydrating the placenta before it is put into capsules. Using this preparation is thought to bring out the placentas healing and tonifying properties as well as warming and healing the uterus.

  • RAW Placenta Encapsulation –  FEE: $300.00

    The RAW method of preparation skips the heating and herbal process altogether. Raw food activists believe that steaming the placenta destroys some of the essential nutrients. Using this option provides a burst of energy upfront and great hormone stabilization.

    This services includes prenatal meet & greet, coming to your house, encapsulation, cord keepsake, informational packet and a postpartum follow-up.
  •  Placenta Tincture – included 
    Putting part of your placenta in tincture form is another way to stretch out its longevity. A small portion of placenta is added to >100 proof alcohol and set to ferment for 6 weeks. Some of the benefits include hormone stabilization in your postpartum cycles, less bleeding during those cycles, energy and for menopause years down the road. The female child can also benefit from placental tincture once she begins her menstruation cycles.
  • Placental Salve – FEE: $40.00

A salve or balm made of your placenta and a variety of healing herbs and oils offers healing properties to c-section scars once they are healed, hemorrhoids, perineal tearing, cracked or blistered nipples, eczema, sun burn, diaper rash (can be made cloth diaper safe!), skin irritation and more. You have the option to choose which herbs are added to your salve such as lavender, chamomile or vanilla.

Think of the salve as a super healing, natural triple antibiotic ointment!

  • Umbilical Chord Dream Catcher – FEE: $100.00

One of my favorite Birth Art celebrations is making Dream Catchers out of the dehydrated umbilical chord. Dream Catchers in native American Culture were traditionally hung above a child’s bed to protect them from bad dreams. I love the way they look in a nursery and love to make them ! Can you see the chord in the center in the shape of a heart?!?



Contact Cindi

“Cindi is truly one of a kind.  The first time I met with her she was like a breath of fresh air.  I knew right away her calm, warm energy and easy going nature was exactly what I needed for this amazing journey.” (read more)

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